target 7500$

achieved 0$


of our goal




In the pursuit of nurturing young minds and healthy bodies, our mission at Mulamu extends to providing essential healthcare services to underprivileged children and their communities. We are deeply committed to ensuring the well-being of the children we serve, and it is with a heavy heart that we recount the loss of a young life, Witiney, to malaria—a stark reminder of the pressing need for better healthcare facilities.

Remembering Whitney

Whitney was not just a name; she was a bright spark of hope and potential. Her untimely passing due to a preventable illness serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for improved medical care within our organization and community.

Building a Healthier Future

At Mulamu, we aim to make a lasting impact on the lives of our children and their families. To honor Whitney’s memory and prevent future tragedies, we are launching a campaign to build a sick bay at our school and, eventually, a health center for the entire community. These facilities will not only serve as places of healing but also centers for health education and preventive care.

The Need

Our journey toward providing quality healthcare faces its own set of challenges. Inadequate facilities, limited medical supplies, and a lack of trained healthcare professionals have hindered our ability to provide timely and effective medical assistance. To address these critical issues and safeguard the health of our children, we have set a target of raising $75,000.

Your generous contribution can make a significant difference. With your support, we will be able to construct the much-needed sick bay at our school and lay the foundation for a community health center. Your donation will enable us to acquire essential medical equipment, train healthcare professionals, and provide necessary medications to those in need.

Join Us in Honoring Whitney's Memory

Together, we can turn this tragedy into an opportunity to save lives and promote a healthier future for all. By donating today, you become a part of a transformative journey towards quality healthcare and a better tomorrow. Your generosity can ensure that no child in our community suffers a loss like Witiney’s again.

Donate Now

Help us build a healthier future and honor Whitney’s memory by contributing to our healthcare campaign. Your support matters, and together, we can make a profound impact on the lives of countless children and their families.