Mulamu Children’s Center is a safe place where orphaned and vulnerable children can truly experience the love of a family.
Our center provide homes, families and holistic care to our children who receive everything they need to grow up healthy and whole—food, clothing, medical care, education and most of all the love of Christ
Education is vital to raising future leaders, and our teachers go above and beyond to love, train and educate our children.
We don’t have a proper medical facility yet to not only treat health issues, but also work hard to reduce disease prevalence.
We’re feeding children daily. With some farm food we grow ,it’s important to work towards self-sustainability.
In Uganda on February 14th, 1988, a bright light entered the world in the form of Stellah,…….
Mulamu’s Sports Day transcends mere competition; it’s a celebration of teamwork, discipline, and the joy of participation. Our students engaged in various athletic endeavors, showcasing their physical prowess and sportsmanship. The spotlight was on the spirited competition among our school’s houses, with Jordan House emerging victoriously, raising the gleaming trophy high.
However, it’s essential to note that while we celebrate the victory of one house, we also acknowledge the deep emotions that this event can evoke. Some children shed tears because their house didn’t win, reminding us that the bonds forged during these events go beyond trophies and medals.
Beyond this, we honored individual talents with medals in unique categories like bottle filling, races, and even chair dancing. These events inspire camaraderie and teach valuable life skills.
The Prefects Campaign is more than a contest; it’s a platform for aspiring student leaders to campaign for various roles within the school, including the prestigious position of Student President. Through impassioned speeches and dynamic campaigns, students display their unwavering commitment to serving their peers and the school community. This event goes beyond leadership; it empowers our children to voice their opinions, campaign for change, and contribute to the betterment of their school. It’s where leaders are born.
Prayer Day at Mulamu is a sacred day dedicated to reflection, worship, and spiritual growth. It provides our children with an opportunity to connect with their inner selves and deepen their faith. Our esteemed founder, Pastor Marxon Wanyama, leads this day with profound words of wisdom, reinforcing values of love, compassion, and faith. The children actively engage in leading worship, creating an atmosphere of devotion and unity that extends far beyond the classroom. Prayer Day is an embodiment of our commitment to nurturing not just the mind but also the soul. peers and the school community. This event goes beyond leadership; it empowers our children to voice their opinions, campaign for change, and contribute to the betterment of their school. It’s where leaders are born.
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At Mulamu, we believe in the power of every contribution to make a significant impact on our organization's mission. Your support helps us build a stronger foundation for our initiatives, ensuring that we can continue to make a positive difference in the lives of the children we serve.