Mulamu rescues vulnerable children and places them in loving family. Our goal is not only to meet their physical needs, but to give them everything they need to become healthy and whole, and live a life of purpose.


When you sponsor a child, you help us provide food, clothing, medical care, education and a safe place they can call home. Each child has multiple sponsors in order to give them the holistic care that every person needs to thrive.


You may also choose to upgrade your regular Sponsorship to Sponsorship Plus. This additional support helps bridge the gap between the time a child is rescued and when they are fully sponsored. There are always new children being welcomed into our family who are not yet sponsored and will benefit from this support.


Check out the stories of some of our kids and young adults waiting to be sponsored. Sign up today and make a lasting impact in their lives.


8 years old


7 years old


9 years old


12 years old


16 years old


13 years old


14 years old


12 years old

Junior Peter Rwotomiya

Location: Community Gulu, Uganda

Birthday: 23-Feb-2010

Meet the creative and hardworking Marvin! Marvin had to get involved in casual income generating activities like selling snacks to help make ends meet at home. Marvin’s mother sells dried fish and sweeps the city streets to make some money, but together they never raised enough for all their meals or even school fees. Marvin hardly went to school. After being identified by the Watoto Neighbourhood program, Marvin was given the opportunity to receive free education and medical support as his mother is discipled and trained in business skills.

Marvin is overjoyed at the opportunity that he has been given to attain wholesome education at the Watoto school. He especially enjoys English classes and dreams of becoming a doctor. Marvin willingly helps with chores at home like fetching water. In his free time, Marvin loves playing football. His favorite meal is rice and beef.