Stellah Wanyama and Stacey Marie

target 75000$

achieved 0$


of our goal



Introduction to Stellah:

In Uganda on February 14th, 1988, a bright light entered the world in the form of Stellah, a kind-hearted and generous soul who would go on to make a profound impact on the lives of countless children. As a co-founder of Mulamu Children’s Center.  Mulamu Children’s Center is a safe place where orphaned and vulnerable children can truly experience the love of a family.  It provides homes, holistic care, food, clothing, medical care, education, and most of all the love of a Christ.  Stellah dedicated her life to providing love, care, and support to vulnerable children, especially orphans.


Tragically, Stellah’s life was cut short during childbirth, leaving behind a legacy of love and compassion. Her precious baby, Trevor Kerry Divine, did not survive either, making her passing even more heartbreaking. This devastating loss is a poignant reminder of the harsh reality faced by many women in Uganda. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Uganda has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, with approximately 336 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.

Introduction to Stacey Marie:

On June 14th, 1981, God graced this world with Stacey Marie, a precious and beautiful little girl. Stacey was born to her mother Esther from Houston Texas and Father Gene Steely from Kentucky in the United States.   Stacey like Stellah was a kind-hearted, generous, and gentle soul who would go on to make a profound impact on the lives of others. Stacey dedicated her life to sharing the gospel and her love for Jesus Christ.  Because of Stacey’s desire to live like Jesus did and because Stacey was raised with a strong sense of community and responsibility for taking care of those less fortunate (especially children) it went on to become her passion in life.  At the time Stacey was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 35, she was the kitchen manager at Soup for the Soul which is a nonprofit soup kitchen in Murray Kentucky whose mission is to serve the hungry by sharing God through giving food for the body, kindness for the soul and hope for the future.  When she moved back home for her cancer treatment, she worked with a non-profit that provided essentials to the homeless in downtown Houston.  Some days she would distribute items to the homeless on her way to or from the cancer treatment center, even when she was almost too weak to stand or walk.


Tragically, Stacey’s life was cut short after her 3-year battle with cancer.   Her ultimate passing in 2018 is a poignant reminder of the devastating reality faced by many women in the United States and in many countries all over the world who are victims of this horrible disease.  According to the American Cancer society, there will be an estimated 114,810 new cases of gynecological cancers diagnosed and approximately 34,020 deaths this year in the US and 3.6 million worldwide with 1.6 million resulting in death. During Stacey’s cancer journey, it became clear how important it is to for women to get regular gynecological checkups because the greatest defense against death from these cancers is early detection.

Call to Action:

Stellah and Stacey’s stories are a testament to the selflessness and devotion of a woman who gave their all to make a difference in the lives of others. Their love and kindness inspired countless others, and their memory continues to motivate us to act. We cannot bring them back, but we can honor their legacy by ensuring that other woman do not die needlessly from giving birth or from a gynecological type of cancer by getting proper prenatal health care and regular well women screening that will allow for early cancer detection.

To achieve this, we aim to construct a medical center in Stellah and Stacey’s memory, providing free medication and quality healthcare to women, pregnant mothers, and children in need. This community-based medical center will be a beacon of hope, offering a safe and nurturing environment for women to receive the care they deserve.


We invite you to join us in this noble endeavor. Your donation will help us keep their dreams alive, ensuring that vulnerable children receive the love and care they deserve, and that mothers receive the medical attention they need to thrive.


Let us come together to honor Stellah and Stacey’s memory and create a lasting impact in the lives of those they cared about most. Donate today and help us build a medical center that will be a shining tribute to their love, kindness, and generosity.


Please consider donating to support this worthy cause. Your contribution will help us:


– Provide free medication and quality healthcare to women, pregnant mothers and children in need

– Construct a community-based meMedical Center in Honor of Stellah Wanyama and Stacey Marie