
target 5000$

achieved 0$


of our goal




At Mulamu, we believe in nurturing not just the minds and health of our children but also the very earth beneath our feet. To create a sustainable future for our organization and the communities we serve, we are embarking on an ambitious journey towards self-reliance through agriculture.

Agriculture for Change

Our vision for sustainability extends to establishing thriving farms that encompass livestock such as goats, cows, and chickens, along with crop cultivation. These farms hold the potential to not only provide nutritious food for our children but also generate income to support our mission.

Join Us in Cultivating Change

Your contribution can make a profound difference in our journey towards sustainability. By donating today, you become an essential part of our efforts to feed our children, generate income, and create a more resilient future for Mulamu and the surrounding communities.

The Need

To turn this vision into reality, we need your support. Our plan involves acquiring additional land, purchasing essential farming equipment, and hiring skilled workers to ensure the success of our agricultural initiatives. The attached map highlights the specific parcels of land we aim to purchase to expand our farming operations.

We’ve seen the incredible impact of community support through our education and healthcare initiatives, and we believe that with your help, we can create a sustainable future for Mulamu. Our goal is to raise $50,000 to acquire the necessary equipment, hire experienced farmers, and purchase the identified land parcels.